Let me start off this post by saying that I don't ever expect everyone out there who reads my stuff to agree with everything I have to say. I know, I know ... big shock, right? Seriously though, I'll be the first person to tell you that when it comes to editorial or review articles, they're simply one person's opinion of a given subject at a given time. In my time as a writer, I've had people criticize my reviews because they thought I gave something too low OR to high of a score. And hey, I'm okay with that. A lot of times, I'll even try to engage people and let them know that what I try to do is to express my thoughts on the subject, explain my praise and/or criticism, and that I try to look at things through the eyes of the audience ... though it's going to be filtered through my own experiences.
All that being said, I stand by what I say and I value my reputation as a writer. What's been pissing me off lately, though, is what seems to be a trend of writers willing to compromise their integrity for the sake of simply ruffling a few feathers and cashing in on the almighty traffic of hits. Let me explain ...