Monday, August 16, 2004

Just a quick update

Yeah yeah, I know it's been a week since the last posting. Things have been pretty hectic here. In terms of working, I wrote up an interview with Ted Naifeh about the Death Jr. comic book ... based on the upcoming video game for the PSP. The interview should be going live on GameSpy any day now. I'll post the link when it goes up. I'm also working on a review of Doom 3 for Gamexilla. I will say that the game looks great visually, but there are a couple of flaws. It is still a very fun game though.

I'm in a fun situation right now, where my work is pretty backed up. That's not to say I've got a lot of work to do ... but that my work is backed up at the different outlets. GameSpy does a great job of posting anything I do right away. However, due to technical problems, both Electric Playground and Gamexilla have run into delays getting new articles posted. Things have also slowed down a bit over at Play, but I expect that to change soon. The next issue should have the Randy Green BloodRayne cover I worked out the deal for, as well as my report from the floor of Comic-Con.

Not really a whole lot more to report on in terms of work. On a personal level, I've been running myself ragged lately keeping everything balanced ... but I'm getting everything taken care of. I also was one of the lucky ones in Florida to dodge the bullet in terms of Hurricane Charley. Originally, it had been expected to plow through the state and still hit this area with hurricane force winds. It veered off to the east just before and after landfall, sparing this area anything worse than rain. It still made for a long couple of days though.

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