Sunday, May 22, 2005

Home again, home again ... jiggety jig

E3 is wrapped up and in the books. Here's the last couple of previews I wrote up before I hopped on the flight out yesterday:
Also, I added some content to GameSpy's pre-show and post-show commentaries. Check 'em out to see what I thought.

I'm wrapping up reviews of Fire Emblem 2 (GBA) and Need for Speed Underground 2 (DS) this weekend. Hopefully I'll have them done and up on GameSpy come Monday night. Either way, as soon as they go live, I'll let you know.

One more thing before I zonk out for the night ... I was fairly wrapped up in work at E3 all week, BUT I did still manage to score some goodies from the show. What I'm going to do is start putting things together in a collective area called my "swag bag". Promotional items, reviewed games, etc. will all be dumped into this bag for me to pull from for the occasional promotion here at Stacking the Deck. Having said that, DON'T start emailing or IM-ing me asking me for particular games or gadgets or anything of the like. Trust me, I'll be giving out plenty, but in creative ways ... okay?

Well, right about now, I'd go into my usual rant about my groupies and such ... or some other fun topic. But after working the show all day yesterday, flying cross-country all night, and catching up w/ a week's worth of homefront stuff, I'm too damned tired to be witty at the moment. I'll make it up to all of you later. I promise (Heh)

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