Wednesday, June 30, 2004

"... does whatever a spider can"

Sorry guys and gals ... not too much done today due to getting hit head on by train disguised as a migraine. I DID however manage to get a review done for Chronicles of Riddick and Showdown: Legends of Wrestling for EP. With luck, they'll be up before week's end, along with a couple of other reviews and the first "Comic of the Week" web segment.

Speaking of comics, I've got two cool recommendations for all of you ... with only one title to remember: Spider-Man 2. First off, the movie is amazing ... it's spectacular ... it's sensational (okay, for all of you comic fans out there who DON'T get where I'm going with this ... SHAME ON YOU!!) Seriously, it's simply a damned good movie. I enjoyed this one even more than the first. It will definitely leave you anxious for Spider-Man 3. And if that's not enough to cure your arachnid addiction, the Spider-Man 2 video game was released today on the Xbox, PS2, and GameCube. I've got my copy of the Xbox version and have been having a blast with it. It's got an open-ended gameplay and lots of web-slinging fun. To be perfectly honest, I really can't remember the last time I had this much fun with a video game. And hey, it's narrated by none other than Bruce Campbell ... so you KNOW it scores high marks on the coolness factor. I'm working on a review for the EP site, and I'll get into much more detail there.

Just as a side note, I've started up preliminary work on my personal website. The plan is for it to focus on my writing career, along with other tidbits of info I find of particular interest. I've got a ways to go before anything gets posted, but once it gets set up, I'll be sure to let all of you know.

Anyway, it's well past time for me to bail. With luck, some sleep will help knock this migraine out of my system. In the meantime though, check back here for the latest and greatest in what's happening with my writing.

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